Science & Sci-Fi

Jiyu-Xie, 23 November 2018

  • *The Zhiren Baking Room is a student group created to promote the appreciation and practice of baking at SUSTech in 2013, The name Zhiren is chosen from the Zhiren College in SUSTech.

  • It is an outlet for students and other members of the SUSTech community to express their creativity with people of common interests. We set out to bring bakery chefs together from all over the campus to exchange recipes and ideas and to support each other in the kitchen in SUSTech.

  • Whether you have a skillful baking talents or just want to try your hands at baking for the first time, the Zhiren Baking Room is open to everyone to do what we love: talk about food, all day long!

Constituent Organization

We currently have two bakery managers, Cheng Tao (陶程) and Minmin Lin (林敏敏), and three departments in the Baking Room – activities, publicity, and supervision, respectively. The Zhiren Baking Room offers a DIY (Do it yourself) platform which is open to everyone.

The Tutorial System

In the Zhiren Baking Room, we will teach you how to bake thought our “bake together” sessions. We have five sessions a week; each session consists of a two-hour meeting between the tutor (a very skilled baker) and a small group (1-6) of students (baking assistants). During each session, the baking assistants will follow instructions to complete a a baking project under the guidance ofupon by the tutor. Sessions have gained their reputation because of the close relationship they maintain between the tutor and the student, and these baking skills have also been passed down from generation to generation.

Cixin Liu(刘慈欣), SUSTech Talk, Nov,11,2018.

Every year, the Zhiren Baking Room hosts a variety of events — such as the Baking Festival every semester, and Mooncake Making Classes for the Mid-Autumn Festival, we sell what we bake to the whole community. We even bake birthday cakes! One time, we baked a birthday cake for our headmaster Shiyi Chen.

Cixin Liu(刘慈欣), SUSTech Talk, Nov,11,2018. Cixin Liu(刘慈欣), SUSTech Talk, Nov,11,2018. Cixin Liu(刘慈欣), SUSTech Talk, Nov,11,2018. Cixin Liu(刘慈欣), SUSTech Talk, Nov,11,2018. Cixin Liu(刘慈欣), SUSTech Talk, Nov,11,2018.