
List of works by Jiyu Xie

Happy Engineering + Enjoy Making Things:

My Photography Homepage: Epoch


Born in River Edge, New Jersey, Pascal began his art career at a very young age of seven when his older brother Sean, gave him the task of “copying” comic books covers in exchange for Pascal to read the comics! At the age of three, his family relocated back to the south of France, where he spent hours sketching and drawing both comics and the beautiful landscapes of Provence. In 1998 Pascal began his studying narrative illustration at Arts Decoratifs de Strasbourg, in France. His formal training emphasized storytelling through art, and also happened to be the last class that was taught without computers. A year-long study abroad in Boston at Tom Snyder Productions cemented Pascal’s goals and determined the US as the place to establish his professional artist career. After graduating in 2000 from the Arts Decoratifs de Strasbourg with a diploma in Narrative Illustration, Pascal’s brother Sean built him a new tool: a computer. It was the beginning of a new form of art for Pascal and a digital artist was born.

In 2001, the appeal of paradise combined with employment took him to Honolulu, Hawaii where he worked at PREL developing online educational games. In 2002, he joined the start-up studio, Bent Image Labs, in Portland Oregon. Here Pascal honed skills as a commercial 2D artist and then becoming a commercial director and collaborated on campaigns for clients such as Ritz Crackers and Reese’s Pieces. The productions were always fast paced and Pascal thrived in the environment, further mastering his stills in speed sketching as well as creating many personal animation works.

In 2005 Pascal moved to the San Francisco Bay Area to be a Senior Visual Artist for Leapfrog where he was responsible for the creation of many Leapfrog characters, storylines and game development for LeapFrog and its partners.

In May of 2007 Pascal married in San Francisco and in 2008 their first child, Lily was born. His intense passion for his family thus began and he has been carrying that flame and inspiration in his work, and has become one of his hallmarks.

In 2006 Pascal began to truly develop his own art and style, but lacking time due to his full time job, he had to come up with an efficient solution. It was then that “Sketch of the Day” was born: every morning, first thing, he creates a sketch, albeit full color, and a story unto itself. This routine has yielded an archive of close to 3,000 sketches and over 30,000 organic Facebook followers and growing numbers on Tumblr, Twitter, DeviantArt and Pinterest.

As a freelance artist since 2007 Pascal has worn many hats in the art world; from conceptual design to visual development for feature films and television; to creating commercial animation for clients such as Chevron and Disney; as well participating in DeepGreen movie. Today, his current list of clients includes: Dreamworks Animation, Paramount Pictures, Disney Feature, Disney Toons, Bent Image Labs, Cartoon Network, Hulu, They Might Be Giants, Insignia Worldwide, BRC Animation Arts and PBS. He is represented by Shannon Associates in the field of publishing.

Pascal is excited to be involved in so many diverse and exciting film, print, and commercial campaigns. Recently, Pascal has pushed his personal work into exciting new territory, as he evolves his work to Fine Art. Pascal debuted his first solo art show at the Galerie Arludik in Paris France in January 2013. If asked, he will say his inspiration to create and work hard stems from his family. Wife and Business Partner Katrina has helped to create both a thriving business and an energetic home life. Father to Lily, and twins Max and Colin, Pascal loves to draw from his life experiences and moments that bring him true meaning and satisfaction.

List of works by Vincent van Gogh is an incomplete list of paintings and other works by the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890). Little appreciated during his lifetime, his fame grew in the years after his death. According to the legend van Gogh sold only one painting, The Red Vineyard, bought for 400 F by the painter and art collector Anna Boch.[1] Today, he is widely regarded as one of history’s greatest painters and an important contributor to the foundations of modern art. Van Gogh did not begin painting until his late twenties, and most of his best-known works were produced during his final two years. He produced more than 2,000 artworks, consisting of around 900 paintings and 1,100 drawings and sketches. In 2013 Sunset at Montmajour became the first full-sized Van Gogh painting to be newly confirmed since 1928.[2][3]

Today many of his pieces—including his numerous self portraits, landscapes, portraits and sunflowers—are among the world’s most recognizable and expensive works of art. On March 30, 1987, Irises was sold for a record US$53.9 million at Sotheby’s; on May 15, 1990, his Portrait of Dr. Gachet was sold for US$82.5 million at Christie’s, establishing a new price record until exceeded in 2004 by a Picasso painting.

The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam is dedicated to Van Gogh’s work and that of his contemporaries. The Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo (also in the Netherlands), has another considerable collection of his paintings.[4]

The listing is ordered by year and then by catalogue number. All works listed here are oil on canvas unless otherwise indicated.


  1. Robert Burton:The Anatomy of Melancholy*
  2. Robert Musil:The Man Without Qualities*
  3. Kazuo Ishiguro:The Unconsoled*
  4. Malcolm Lowry:Under the Volcano*
  5. Virginia Woolf:The Waves*
  6. James Joyce:Finnegans Wake*
  7. Thomas Wolfe:Look Homeward, Angel*
  8. William Thackeray:Pendennis*
  9. Karl Marx:Capital*
  10. James Woodforde:The Diary of A Country Parson*


  1. Baking:
    (1)The Zhiren Baking Room(致仁烘焙室): 甜品潮流追踪 | 第一期, 2017-11-15
    (2)The Zhiren Baking Room(致仁烘焙室): 美食博主精选:Instagram (1), 2017-12-02
    (3)The Zhiren Baking Room(致仁烘焙室): 【甜品潮流 | 「豆腐岩」大理石蛋糕】, 2017-12-20
    (4)The Zhiren Baking Room(致仁烘焙室): 甜品故事 | 贝果(Bagel), 2018-04-13
    (5)The Zhiren Baking Room(致仁烘焙室): 甜品故事 | 黑森林蛋糕, 2018-05-05
    (6)The Zhiren Baking Room(致仁烘焙室): 甜品故事 | 可露莉(Canelé), 2018-05-15
  2. Photography:
    (2)SUSTech Daily(南科新知): 醉乡深处 | 南科人的年味儿故事, 2018-03-10.
    (3)SUSTech Daily(南科新知):《仰望星空》2018-07-21.
    (4)SUSTech Daily(南科新知):《p q》2018-10-05.
    (5)SUSTech Daily(南科新知):《光阴》2018-10-09.
    (6)SUSTech Daily(南科新知):《初冬小园寓目》2018-11-16.
    (7)SUSTech Daily(南科新知):《锁孔》2018-11-24.
  3. Interview:
    (1)Dream Big, but Start Small ——an Interview of MEE Assistant Professor U Kei Cheang - Mech-People - SUSTC Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering. 2018-04-25.
    (2)SUSTech News Agency(南科大新闻社): Prof. Jianwei Pan talked about the Development and Application of Quantum Science at the “Southern China Science Forum” - Latest - SUSTC. 2016-05-20.
    (3)SUSTech News Agency(南科大新闻社): Young Female Scientist Yan Ning Talks about the Beauty of Biological Structures at SUSTech Lectures - Event Review - SUSTC. 2016-09-26.
    (4)SUSTech News Agency(南科大新闻社): SUSTC Model Club: We Began in the Dream of Flying - Campus Life - SUSTC. 2015-11-23.
  4. Flower Arrangement:
    (1)SUSTech Daily(南科新知): 花艺课 | 如何在南科大过得精致而优雅? 2018-08-09.