Course Projects

Jiyu-Xie, 22 November 2018

Iron-sulfur and Iron-sulfur protein

Iron-sulfur and Iron-sulfur protein
Iron -sulfur protein s are proteins characterized by the presence of iron-sulfur clusters containing sulfide-linked di-, tri-, and tetra iron centers in variable oxidation states.Iron-sulfur clusters play an important role in the oxidation-reduction reactions of mitochondrial electron transport. They have many other functions including catalysis as illustrated by aconitase The prevalence of these proteins on the metabolic pathways of most organisms leads some scientists to theorize that iron-sulfur compounds had a significant role in the origin of life in the iron-sulfur world theory.Recently, Dr.XieCan at School of Life Sciences, Peking University and his collaborators discovered a novel magnetoreceptor protein (named MagR)and suggested a biocompass model for animal magnetoreception and navigation.This article will give a brief introduction to the iron -sulfur protein’s structural motifs, biosynthesis and latest research of iron -sulfur protein in magnetic protein biocompass.

A brief analysis of Karl-Halvor Teigen's research on sigh

A brief analysis of Karl-Halvor Teigen's research on sigh
Sighing, one of the most common human emotions, is usually associated with sadness, disappointment, rejection, giving up and other negative emotions, but why people sigh is rarely studied. The act of sighing was first studied in more detail by Karl-Halvor Teigen, a psychologist at the university of Oslo in Norway. In this paper, Teigen's research on sigh behavior is discussed and its physiological principles and limitations are briefly analyzed. The study of sigh behavior helps to bring the interrelationship between perception, consciousness and behavior into a new perspective.

A brief review on the research and the development of supercapacitor

A brief review on the research and the development of supercapacitor
Supercapacitor is a new type of energy storage element between conventional capacitor and chemical battery. It has the advantages of high energy density, high power density, long cycle life, long service life, short charging and discharging time, good temperature characteristics, maintenance-free, energy saving and green environmental protection. According to different energy storage mechanisms, supercapacitors can be divided into double-layer supercapacitors and pseudocapacitor supercapacitors. This paper introduces the structure, principle, characteristics and development status of supercapacitors, summarizes the application research status of supercapacitors, and finally prospects the application of supercapacitors in the future.

Living in the quantum world

Living in the quantum world
It is commonly recognized that the quantum mechanics is a theory of molecules, atoms, subatomic particles.Most physicists believe that this theory applies to everything , no matter what the size, including living organisms.In the quantum world,nothing is certain,it’s a world of probabilities.

Cooling System of Laptops

Cooling System of Laptops
The most common way to cool hot components today is by using big stock coolers with air flow, provided by the stock fans that come with the CPU and GPU.It is necessary to understand how heat transfer across the CPU first. Heat transfer across the CPU mainly has three types. Firstly, conduction, which happens in direct metal-to-metal contact. Secondly, convection, which happens in liquids and gases where hot air in a large room rises, or cold water sinks. And thirdly, radiation.

Should Gay Couples be allowed to marry?

Should Gay Couples be allowed to marry?
Nowadays, the homosexuality is becoming more and more understandable and people have an increasingly tolerant attitude in society, especially in the West. The demand for gay couples and those who fighting for gay legal rights is now becoming a key modern political issue. Gay couples should be allow to marry because marriage is about more than procreation, they should have equal rights as well as heterosexuals, and it is discriminatory to refuse gay couples the right to marry.

Itch Relief by Mirror Scratching

Itch Relief by Mirror Scratching
Itch is an annoying symptom of allergic and inflammatory skin disease. An estimated one in five adults will experience itch lasting more than six weeks in their lifetime. So, it would be a necessary to figure out why itch occurs and how to relief itchiness as well as its potential clinical role.

The plastic debris and plastics recycling

The plastic debris and plastics recycling
Pieces of plastic float here in ocean water. This pollution is a growing problem, and not just because it's ugly: Plastic can kill many kinds of marine life.

Study on the growth of single-crystal graphene

Study on the growth of single-crystal graphene
Graphene is a flat film composed of carbon atoms in a hexagonal honeycomb lattice. In 2004, the British physicist at the university of Manchester, Geim and Novoselov successfully using graphite from micro mechanical stripping method and obtained the stability of single-layer graphene, which broke the two-dimensional crystal can't stability theory predicts that proved that graphene can exist alone, both of them and therefore won the Nobel Prize in physics in 2010, thus raised the graphene preparation, modification and application of the global boom. Commercial production of large areas of high-quality graphene is the basic premise for its promotion in industrial applications. Therefore, in order to adapt to the wide potential application of graphene and its requirements for the production of high-quality graphene, scientists need to control the nucleation and growth of graphene grains to obtain large sheets of single-crystal graphene. This paper starts with a brief description of the structure of graphene, mainly introduces the research and preparation methods of monocrystalline graphene, and finally prospects the future application of graphene.

SmartCan, make your life easier.

SmartCan, make your life easier.
A trash can is a container for temporarily storing waste, and is usually made out of metal or plastic.Traditional trash can use manpower to unseal which is inconvenient and unsanitary, its odors have a way of drifting from room to room, and the whole house can be smelled like rotten eggs.In the meantime, bad smelling garbage isn't just an annoyance -- it can also attract bugs, flies, mice, and rats. To solve these problems, we design the smartcan.

Anti Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Design

Anti Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Design
With the development of The Times, the achievements in various fields of science and technology have gradually penetrated into People's Daily life. As one of the representatives, uav industry has become the fastest growing consumer electronics industry except mobile phones, computers and wearable devices. An increasing number of ordinary consumers also have more opportunities to reach areas previously inaccessible by normal channels through drones. Therefore, how to effectively catch illegal drones, in order to prevent and reduce the public security impact caused by illegal drones, has become an important topic, we need an effective system and corresponding capture equipment to achieve this goal.

Feasibility Study of Oceanic Carbon Capture and Sequestration(OCCS)

Feasibility Study of Oceanic Carbon Capture and Sequestration(OCCS)
Research has shown that the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere has increased significantly since the beginning of the industrial era. Unless we do something to reduce the amount of CO2 entering the atmosphere, the world will experience serious effects of climate change, leading climate catastrophe to the earth, and may change earth to a place where human beings are no longer able to survive. In this case, Oceanic Carbon Capture and Sequestration (OCCS) might be one of the best emergency strategies in dealing with climate change and global warming due to the large capacity of storing CO2, despite its non-ignorable disadvantages and highly-concerned potential risks(e.g. high financial costs, poptential negative environmental, ecological, geological impacts, etc. ). And by then, it is inevitable for the governments and publics to accept such OCCS strategies, in order to survive.

Applying FIR filter to filter voice nois

Applying FIR filter to filter voice noise
With the continuous development of information technology, modern signal processing is developing towards digitalization, and the research on the filter design of speech signal has become the basic content of modern information processing. The main content of this course design is based on MATLAB FIR filter voice signal denoising. This paper mainly USES microphone to collect a speech signal, conducts time-domain analysis and spectrum analysis on it, analyzes the characteristics of speech signal, and adds random noise to the speech signal. Kaiser window function method is adopted to design an FIR low-pass filter, and then carries out filtering processing on the speech signal with noise. Finally, the time domain and frequency domain characteristics of speech signal before and after filtering are compared.

Origami self-assamblly Micro-Nano-robotics

Origami self-assamblly Micro-Nano-robotics
Microrobotics and nanorobotics have the potential to perform many tasks in important biomedical applications. These micro/nano-machines are capable of propulsion at low Reynolds number fluidic environments by an external rotating magnetic field. For decades, roboticists have focused their efforts on rigid systems that enable programmable, automated action, and sophisticated control with maximal precision and speed. Meanwhile, it is also critical to develop new soft and flexible architectures and potential modes that are small, soft, adaptive, and stimuli-responsive, for the structure and kinetic optimization. In this report, by combing the concepts from micro/nano-robotics and stimuli-responsive shape-shifting materials, scientists designed some ‘smart’ robotics known as Origami Inspired Soft Micro/Nano-robotics, with its potential fabrication and control methods. This origami inspired soft small scale magnetic robots are capable of efficient propulsion at low Reynolds numbers and cargo delivery. This new micro/nano-robotics mechanism and its attractive performance could provide guidance toward prospective practical design for biomedical operation at the micro/nano-scale.

My Micro-origami-robotics Mechanism Design Idea

Ipsum Feugiat

Ipsum Feugiat

Rhoncus Semper

Rhoncus Semper

Magna Nullam

Magna Nullam

Natoque Vitae

Natoque Vitae

Dolor Penatibus

Dolor Penatibus

Orci Convallis

Orci Convallis

Evaporative Cooling For A Cup with Hot Water

Evaporative Cooling For A Cup with Hot Water
Evaporation and cooling are processes with tremendous industrial and scientific applications, ranging from meteorology to food processing. These problem would be of special interest to food and drink companies, such as Starbucks, who would like to figure out the best cup design to improve the customer experiences with the lowest cost; or inspired us design new type of self-filling bottle for the people in the arid area. If wildly being used, the device could contribute to the happiness of millions of hot beverage consumers and help billions of people who lack of drinking water. The present work investigated the thermodynamic properties of moist air around a cup of hot water, which was placed in each of the cups in the same amounts and left on a counter to cool. Temperature, humidity data were taken over the course of twenty minutes while they were cooling, with data points taken every ten seconds. Experimental data and simulation model suggests that the temperature is highest in the shadow zone of the cup, and therefore, the relative humidity becomes very low.