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-- Robotics & Bio-nanotech --

Hello everyone!

Welcome to Jiyu-Xie's home page :)

I hope you enjoy!


I am Jiyu Xie. I was born in Guilin, Guangxi, China. Now, I'm a senior student majoring in Mechanical Engineering in Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) since 2015. I have had an unusual experience that allowed me to do the most advanced research at SUSTech and develop a different scientific look. Passionate about science and technology, I started with an interdisciplinary research field that combines robotics and DNA nano-technology together. I'm very curious and like to grow up faster. Thus, I want to pursue further in Mechanical Engineering, specially in robotics, control system, bionics and machine design. In my spare time, I also like to do some industrial design as my hobbies.

About My Name:

How to pronouce "Jiyu-Xie"?
(click the Speaker button at the bottom left corner to hear the sound)
In the Wade-Giles system of romanization, it is rendered as Chi-yü Hsieh.
In Chinese characters, it is 谢济宇 (Simplified) or 謝濟宇 (Traditional).

Research Interests & Free Time Hobbies

Research Interests

  • Mechanical Engineering Design.
  • Micro/Nano-fabrication.
  • DNA Bio-nanotechnology.
  • Control Theory and Application.
  • Robotics.

Free Time Hobbies

  • Hip-hop Dance.
  • Photography.
  • Woodworking.
  • Skateboard.
  • Painting.
  • Trekking.
  • Baking.
  • Sci-Fi.


Familiar with:

  • Solidworks, AutoCAD, COMSOL
  • Git, Python, MATLAB, HTML5
  • Arduino, Raspberry Pi
  • CNC, 3D Printing, Woodworking, Photolithopraphy, Nano-imprinting, DNA Origami
  • LaTeX, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Office, Cinema 4D
  • Photography, Presentation, Interview, New Media Operation, Journalism
  • Capable of:

  • Linux, C++, NI LabView, STM32, ROS
  • Funding Projects

  • Team leader. 'Facing the future of precise tumor treatment: Fabrication and manipulation of micro/nano-robotics.' Special Funds for the Cultivation of Guangdong College Students’ Scientific and Technological Innovation (Climbing Program”Special Funds). Project number: pdjhb0447. (We are one of the only 8 projects which got fundings from Guangdong Province out of 273 projects in total. March, 2018. SUSTech.)
  • Team member. 'Modular Design and Applications of Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle(ROV)', funded by the Cantonese Students' platform for innovation and entrepreneurship training program. Project number: 201714325017.
  • Acadamic Research Experiences

  • Fabrication and manipulation of Micro/Nano-robotics, SUSTech.
  • Simulation, modeling and building a Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle, SUSTech.
  • Building a 3D printing machine in Prof. Gang Wang's addictive manufacturing lab, Tsinghua University.
  • Foot prothesis modeling in Prof. Chenglong Fu's robotics lab, SUSTech.
  • Cognitive practice in Guangxi Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
  • Leadership

  • Leader of a Micro/Nano-robotics Research Project. 'Climbing Program' Special Funds, Guangdong Province, China.
  • Vice-President of Student Union in Yanshan Junior High School, Guilin, Guangxi, China.
  • Non-Acadamic Activities

  • Donate Blood for 3 times.
  • Members of SUSTech News Agency.
  • Volunteer of the International Meeting on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education.
  • Archives

    I hope you enjoy my photos: 'Epoch': https://jiyu-xie.github.io/Portfolio/

    Wow! Mommy, mommy, look at the pretty lights!

    'Photographs are a way of imprisoning reality.' --On Photography by Susan Sontag

    I was making a bunny ears wooden chair. BEST FEELING EVERRRRRRRRR! You can't always explain fun... you just have to do it.

    Eureka! I've got it!

    Class 8, Grade 2015. After the army training

    Grade 2015. Members of the MEE department.

    Cross-discipline Courses


    • Advanced Linear Algebra
    • Ordinary Differential Equation

    Material Science

    • Fundamental of Material Science & Technology
    • Development of Material Science
    • Mechanics of Materials
    • Crystallography


    • Theoretical Mechanics
    • Fluid Mechanics
    • Heat Transfer Theory

    Electronic Engineering & Computer Science

    • Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
    • Analog Circuit
    • Solid State Electronics
    • Basics of Computer Programming Design

    High Light Courses of Mechanical Engineering

    • Literature Review and Content Analysis
    • Fundamentals of Robotics
    • * Robotics and Biomimetics
    • * Sensing Technology
    • Design Principles of Microscale Swimming Robots
    • Fundamentals of Control Engineering
    • Fundamentals of Manufacturing
    • Fundamentals of Energy Engineering
    • Fundamentals of Machine Design
    • CAD and Engineering Drawing
    • Innovative Design Practice
    • Dynamics and Vibration
    • Signal Analysis
    • Introductory to Biomedical Engineering
    • * Precision Manufacturing Technology
    • Integration and Innovation Design

    • ( Courses with a * are graduate level courses. )

    Course Project

    More projects and essays of mine: 'Works and Essays'

    Feasibility study of Oceanic Carbon Capture and Sequestration(OCCS), for my Fundamental of Energy Engineering's course project

    Evaporative cooling of a cup(with hot water), for my Sensing Technology's course project

    Anti-UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) mechanical design, for my Mechanical Design's course project

    Micro-scale origami design and concepts demonstration, for my Microscale Swimming Robotics' course project

    Plastic debris study and the awareness of plastics recycling, for my Academic English' course project

    Research Experience

    3D printing project in Tsinghua University

    Stress analysis for our ROV machines(Funding project. Team member.)

    DNA origami research project(Funding project. Team leader.)

    The Helmholtz coil preparing for the ICRA microrobotics competition

    Help to build the Foot Prosthesis in Chenglong Fu's lab

    Cognitive practice in Guangxi Botanical Institude

    Research project details

    Magnetic DNA Origami Nanorobotics,


    Nanorobotics have the potential to perform many tasks in important biomedical applications. These micro/nano-machines are capable of propulsion at low Reynolds number fluidic environments by an external rotating magnetic field. For decades, roboticists have focused their efforts on rigid systems that enable programmable, automated action, and sophisticated control with maximal precision and speed. Meanwhile, it is also critical to develop new soft and flexible architectures and potential modes that are small, soft, adaptive, and stimuli-responsive, for the structure and kinetic optimization. In this project, we aim at fabricating and manipulating some magnetic DNA origami nanorobotics, in order to explore some novel functions through leveraging mesoscopic physics, and to study its multimodal locomotion in complex environmnets through magnetic control. This new nano-robotics mechanism could provide guidance toward prospective practical design for biomedical operation at the nano-scale.

    The team have been graciously mentored by the U Kei Cheang's Nanorobotics Lab at the Mechanical and Energy Engineering Department, SUSTech, Shenzhen, China.

    2019 Mobile Microrobotics Challenge(MMC),


    We are preparing for the 2019 Mobile Microrobotics Challenge(MMC), holding by the IEEE Robotics & Automations Society (RAS) Micro/Nano Robotics & Automation Technical Committee (MNRA), in which microrobots on the order of the diameter of a human hair face off in tests of autonomy, accuracy, and assembly. Teams can participate in up to three events: Autonomous Manipulation & Accuracy Challenge, Microassembly Challenge, MMC Showcase & Poster Session. The picture shows the magnetic control system(Helmholtz coil system) we have built. My role is using computer vision to track and control the microrobots.

    The team have been graciously mentored by the Chengzhi Hu's Bio-microrobotics Lab at the Mechanical and Energy Engineering Department, SUSTech, Shenzhen, China.

    Modular Design ROV,


    The purpose of designing and manufacturing an Remotely Operated Modular Underwater Vehicle(ROV) is to create a cost effective, customized, efficient autonomous underwater vehicle that will be able to explore underwater resources. Underwater explorations and recent tragic accidents with aircraft carriers all submitted to a rising concrn for the current limitation of unmanned underwater vehicles, however, the price for most of the ROV is still very high and can not be customized. So we decided to design and fabricate a personalized modular ROV. In this project, I've learned the structure design process, dynamic analysis and seal technology. The next step is to improve the performance of our ROV.

    The team have been graciously mentored by the Wende Ke's Robotics Lab at the Mechanical and Energy Engineering Department, SUSTech, Shenzhen, China.

    Robotic Foot Prosthesis,


    Robotic engineers are srriving for new and ever more natural appearance in the field of robotic prosthetics. The are continuously seeking prothetic improvements to provide patients with a better, subtle mobility and feelings with their prosthetics replacements. By using a robotic foot prosthesis rather than conventional passive foot prosthesis, patients can save more energy and feel more comfortable. In this project, I help drawing the CAD with the master student in the lab. Meanwhile, I've learned a lot about the motion capture system.

    The team have been graciously mentored by the Chenglong Fu's Exoskeleton, Foot Prosthesis and Robotics Lab at the Mechanical and Energy Engineering Department, SUSTech, Shenzhen, China.

    3D Printing Mechine,


    Astronauts must often wait for months for the next supply mission to launch from Earth. The alternative is to ship up multiple spare parts, but the increased mass requires more fuel to lift off, and thus costs more money, not to mention to build a house. But by using the 3D printer sent to the space, astronauts will be able to utilize a variety of materials to craft items that the astronauts need, in a more timely manner, hopefully we can even build a house in the outer space. So it is important to develop some spacial 3D printers that can print some 3D infinite size objects. In this projct, we build a 3D printer that demonstrate the concept of printing infinite-size object.

    The team have been graciously mentored by the Gang Wang's Addictive Manufacturing Lab at the Mechanical Engineering Department, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.

    Botany Practice,


    As world populations become more urbanized, botanical gardens are increasingly recognized as among the important cultural resources of industrialized nations. Botanical gardens and arboretums offer the city dweller part of the natural environment that he no longer has access to; furthermore, they offer a mental escape from population pressure, serve as peaceful settings for relaxation, family time, or recreation, and suggest new interests and hobbies having to do with the natural world. In this project, I visit the Guangxi Botanical Institude in Guangxi province and learned many things like plant tissue culture technology, mass spectrometry analysis, biology, chemistry, ecology, plant taxonomy, medicinal botany, habitat environmental science and landscape architecture.

    I have been graciously mentored by the Guangxi Botanical Institude, Guilin, Guangxi, China.

    Free Time Hobbies

    I hope you enjoy my photos: 'Epoch': https://jiyu-xie.github.io/Portfolio/

    Working as a SUSTech News Agency members

    SUSTech, New Year exhibition, 2018.03.10

    Flower arrangement, 2018.07.

    Hip-hop dance performance in the graduation party, 2017.06.30

    _Come here! Look at these weird bugs! _Ugh! It's horrible!

    Fruit cake, by Jingyi Yang & Jiyu Xie, 2017.11.25.

    My photos for some greatest scientists and sci-fi writers.

    Jianwei Pan(潘建伟)

    Jianwei Pan(潘建伟), middle, Quantum Physicists

    Ning Yan(颜宁)

    Ning Yan(颜宁), left, Structural Biologist

    Steven Chu(朱棣文)

    Steven Chu(朱棣文), Physics Nobel Laureates(1997)

    James Watson

    James Watson, Physiology or Medicine Nobel Laureates(1962)

    Zhenning Yang(杨振宁)

    Zhenning Yang(杨振宁), Physics Nobel Laureates(1957)

    Cixin Liu(刘慈欣),2018.11.23.

    Cixin Liu(刘慈欣), Chinese science fiction writer, the author of The Three-Body Problem series

    Mars Agriculture and Forestry University(MAFU).

    'Lονе Νàτǔге(Love Nature).'
    School Motto of MAFU.
    Headmaster: Snikm.
    Dean of Admissions: Ploso.


    Email: 11510224@mail.sustc.edu.cn
    Homepage: www.xiejiyu.com
    GitHub: https://github.com/Jiyu-Xie

    Please be in touch!

    Office: 309 Building 5, Wisdom Valley
    Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
    Southern University of Science and Technology(SUSTech)
    Address: No 1088, xueyuan Rd., Xili, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. 518055.